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Sick Meals

There are times when a resident student is not feeling well and it may be unwise for them to come to a dining hall for a meal. In that case, complete an online Sick Meal Request form and send a representative to collect a Sick Meal on your behalf. You should not come yourself, and we request that your representative wear a mask. If you are experiencing severe, repeated or extended illness (more than three days), we strongly urge you to go to the Health Center for assistance.

This service is intended as a stop-gap for a resident student who is staying in their room for a short period of time and provides basic nutrition. 

Sick Meals can be collected from any dining hall -South CampusYahentamitsi and 251 North.

Sick Meals at Breakfast consist of:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Breakfast potatoes
  • Bagel
  • Fruit

Sick Meals at Lunch and Dinner consist of:

  • Soup 
  • Grilled chicken 
  • Rice
  • Vegetables 
  • Ginger Ale
  • Cookie

Place your sick meal request at least one hour before the dining hall closes for pickup a minimum of one half hour before closing. 

 - Yahentamitsi and South Campus close at 9pm every day
 - Pick up by 8:30.

 - 251 North closes at 10pm Mon- Thu and 7pm on Fri, Sat, Sun.
 - Pick up at 251 by 9:30 M-Th and 6:30 F,S,S

 - Hours change during academic breaks and in the summer.  

Your representative should come to the greeter at the front door of the dining hall you select; we will bring the meal to the greeter's station.

We need at least thirty minutes notice to prepare a Sick Meal.

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